Keep It Flexible Stupid; Weight Loss & Muscle Building Made Easy

Eating and training for weight loss and building muscle is hard work right? Well kind of, but it’s kind of easy too.

The problem most people have when it comes to either of these goals is over-complication. In the end of the day to lose weight you need to be burning more calories than you’re taking in. To gain weight you need to be taking in more calories than you’re burning.

Throughout my time in the health and fitness industry I’ve learnt that simple always works best, which is why I’ve put together this fat loss and muscle building cheat sheet so that you can begin seeing results today, without the confusion.


The Basics of Weight Loss
-Eat in a slight calorie deficit- 200-500 calories below your maintenance level
-Lift weights- I recommend at least 4 x per week
-Use cardio as a tool- Think like a sprinter, more max effort work with enough rest between efforts to perform at 100% again
-Drink more water than you currently are- Regardless of how much you’re drinking at the moment, increase it. The more you drink, the less your body holds
-Use supplements wisely- Remember they’re there to supplement your training and diet, they won’t do the work for you
-Take your recovery seriously- Eat, sleep, rest, look after your body like a champion
-Enjoy the process- The best diet or training program is the one you can stick to
-Don’t take it so seriously- If you’re on holidays enjoy yourself, if it’s your birthday enjoy yourself, if you’re having dinner with friends or family enjoy it. Just know that consistency is always the key

When I started using Adipex, I noticed not only weight loss. I became cheerful and active. I normalized the work of the intestines. I tend to lose up to 3 kilograms a week. Phentermine from accelerates the metabolism so the calories go away even with minimal physical exercises. This drug can be recommended to people who have the first stage of obesity.

The Basics of Building Muscle

-Eat in a slight calorie surplus- Slow and steady wins the gains race, 100-300 calories above maintenance
-Lift weights with the aim of getting stronger every week- Progressive overload is king
-Use perfect form on every exercise
-Supplement wisely- 5g of creatine monohydrate per day is a great start, there’s not a great deal of supplements needed considering you’ll be in a caloric surplus
-Take your recovery seriously- Eat, sleep, rest, look after your body like a champion
-Do as little cardio as possible- Just enough to maintain a strong cardiovascular system
-Drink more water than you currently are- Regardless of how much you’re drinking at the moment, increase it. The more you drink, the less your body holds. You’ll also more than likely be eating more carbohydrates than usual so this becomes even more important
-Enjoy the process- The best diet or training program is the one you can stick to

That’s it? Correct. That’s all there is to it, anything more and you’re overcomplicating things.

Good luck, and enjoy your results!