Top 5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Personal Trainer

Top 5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Personal Trainer


Are you starting out your career as a Personal Trainer? When I first started out, I was lucky to have some really good people in my corner to show me the ropes, although that doesn’t mean there haven’t been plenty of things I’ve had to learn on my own. To help you by-pass the mistakes I made and put you on the right path to establishing yourself as a Personal Trainer, I’ve put together these 5 easy to follow steps to becoming a successful PT.

Step #1: Find your niche, spend a lot of time and money learning and stay relevant with the times.

By having an area of expertise you attract a specific clientele that will be suited to your training style and philosophies as a trainer. This makes the decision a lot easier for a potential client if they know for example you specialise in hypertrophy training or fat loss if that’s their specific goal. 

There’s an old saying ‘Learn before you earn”. This means reading articles, research papers, watching videos, attending seminars and conferences, talking to other trainers and athletes, using trial and error to really figure out what it is that you want to build your brand around and the service/s you are willing to provide your clients with.

Finally, the industry is forever growing and changing, this means you also need to grow with the times, stay ahead of the game. The worst thing you can do is get stuck in your ways and approach your job and your clients futures with a closed mind. ‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat’.


Step #2: Practise what you preach and learn to market yourself by producing reliable content for current and potential clients.

As a Health and Fitness professional you should look the part. I think it’s fair to say that it’s not all that motivating seeing a Personal Trainer that’s out of shape and is short of breath after walking up the stairs on the way to the gym. That doesn’t mean you need to look like a bodybuilder or train like a professional athlete, but there’s nothing wrong with looking and feeling fit and healthy to send a good message to your existing or potential clients to show them you’re also willing to do what you’re asking of them.

Marketing yourself and your brand on social media is the fastest and cheapest way to get your name in front of potential clients, although the content you put out does matter. It needs to be reliable and there needs to be plenty of it. Just think, the more people that regularly follow your content and gain value from that free content, the more likely they are to turn to you when they need help with anything to do with their health and fitness. Sildenafil is a drug whose efficacy and safety in the treatment of ED are confirmed by a large number of large studies and large-scale clinical experience. It allows you to significantly improve the functional state of the vascular endothelium, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The good tolerability of the indicated iFDE-5 by patients with somatic status is also beyond doubt today. It has been proven at that Viagra is effective in the sexual rehabilitation of patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy.


Step #3: Provide your clients with measurable progress and invaluable knowledge.

Telling your clients week in week out that they’re looking good, or performing well in the gym means nothing if you don’t have any visible proof.

Set and re-assess goals, record workouts, record average body weight, take progress photos, do testing… These are all things that you can show your client to give them piece of mind that they are improving or moving in the right direction towards their goals. 

Sustainability also needs to be kept in mind. Although we ultimately want to retain every client we ever work with, you should also be aiming to improve their knowledge on training and nutrition in a way that will allow them to understand ‘why’ they’re doing what they’re doing with you. What’s the point in training a client for 10 years but as soon as you’re away they have no idea what to do when left to their own devices. ‘Knowledge is power’. 


Step #4: Network, network, network.

You can NEVER do enough Networking, ‘your network is your net worth’. That includes anyone, from other personal trainers all the way down to the local VET. Business is about building relationships and you never know what opportunities may arise one day. Whether it ties in directly with your business as a Personal Trainer or not, it really doesn’t matter. 

In regards to networking with others involved in the health and fitness industry the opportunities are limitless. Health and Fitness expos, unfamiliar gyms, sporting matches, Physios, Myotherapists, Nutritionists, professional athletes, LinkedIn, any other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. 

A great example of networking with another health professional may be cross referring with a Physio or Myotherpist. They send their clients to you, you send your clients to them, you both get new clients plus the two jobs often work hand in hand. 


Step #5: Go above and beyond to prove to your existing clients that you value them as a client and more importantly as a person. Show that you care.

Remember clients birthdays, reward long-time clients, reward clients who are willing to pay for multiple sessions in advance or who refer their friends to you. It comes down to you showing your client that you care, and most of all that you value them and their loyalty to you as a trainer.


Special mention: PASSION! You need passion, without it your career as a Personal Trainer will never reach its full potential. To truly be successful you need to love what you do, and be willing to share your knowledge with as many people as humanly possible to help others achieve their health and fitness goals.

The Fitness And Lifestyle Podcast | Ep.008 5 Steps To Becoming A Successful Personal Trainer