Subway or Sushi?

Subway or Sushi?

The other day I was sitting in a cafe and I happened to overhear a conversation that a guy next to me was having on the phone. One thing really stuck out and grabbed my attention “No mate you had sushi yesterday, just have subway today.” The implication...
IIFYM Meal Planning For Winners

IIFYM Meal Planning For Winners

IIFYM Planning For Winners So you want to get in shape but have no idea how to plan your meals throughout the day. Follow the steps below to set yourself up with a successful nutrition plan suited to YOU.   Firstly, read this article ‘The Ultimate Guide to...
What I’ve Learnt From Working With Professional Athletes

What I’ve Learnt From Working With Professional Athletes

So far in my career in the health and fitness industry as a strength and conditioning coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of professional athletes from a wide range of different sports. This has given me the opportunity to really observe the way they...
5 Common Fat Loss Mistakes

5 Common Fat Loss Mistakes

We all make mistakes… But when it comes to fat loss, you don’t have too! Regardless of whether your goal is to trim up for summer, lose a few kg’s before a special event or even step on stage as a physique athlete, make sure you aren’t making...