by danny2020 | Jul 18, 2016 | Blog
If I gave you $500 to spend in one day and you went out and spent $400 before 10am, you now need to carefully budget the remaining $100 to make sure you make it through the day right? Well your calorie intake is no different, I introduce to you, the calorie budget....
by danny2020 | Jul 3, 2016 | Blog
Dieting down to an extremely low level of body fat is a HUGE achievement, it leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment and the satisfaction of knowing you had the discipline and dedication to do what is necessary to achieve something that many people cannot...
by danny2020 | Jun 13, 2016 | Blog
Ask a fitness professional what type of routine a beginner should follow, and 90 times out of 100, you’ll get the answer “a full body workout.” (9 of the 100 will probably say an upper-lower split, and 1 downright shady character with fewer brain cells than a 20 kilo...
by danny2020 | Feb 26, 2016 | Blog
Losing fat is simple – You need a calorie deficit. That’s pretty much it. Obviously there is a little more to it – getting ample protein, giving your muscles enough stimulus through weight training so that you preserve mass, keeping your carbs high enough for...
by danny2020 | Feb 18, 2016 | Blog
Today I want to share with you my 5 most effective ways to break through a fat loss plateau. The whole fat loss journey can be a very difficult and exhausting task. And there is nothing worse than training your ass off in the gym, eating well, sleeping well and still...