by danny2020 | Jul 10, 2017 | Blog
Have you always wanted bigger arms? If the answer’s yes then it’s important to understand that your triceps take up 2/3 of your arm, therefore to grow bigger arms you need bigger triceps (although most people focus too much on their biceps). The triceps...
by danny2020 | Jun 10, 2017 | Blog
Supplement companies do all sorts of tricks to boost profit margin and trick the customer. When you are looking for a good supplement to assist with your training it’s important to do some research on which brands are the best. A quick checklists of things I recommend...
by danny2020 | Oct 26, 2016 | Blog
Most people go to the gym with the hopes of building muscle and/or losing body fat. But very few know what exercises give them the most bang for their buck. Let me tell you this… it’s not glute kick-backs, it’s not dumbbell bicep curls, it’s...
by danny2020 | Oct 7, 2016 | Blog
Have you ever wanted to look like your favourite athlete? Lean, muscular and as fit as can be… Well to look like an athlete you need to think, behave and train like one. I’ve listed some of the characteristics of a professional athlete below. These are all...
by danny2020 | Aug 16, 2016 | Blog
Deload; What, When, Why, How? Achieving your health and fitness goal will requires a lot of hard work, but there comes a time when less is more. I introduce to you, deloads. What Is A Deload? A deload is a planned period of time where your overall training volume...