30 Essential Tips For Building Muscle

30 Essential Tips For Building Muscle

Gaining lean muscle shouldn’t be a guessing game, just as losing fat isn’t rocket science. Here’s my list of tips to help you gain muscle. #1 Eat in a slight calorie surplus (take in more energy than you are expending) #2 Progressively overload your...
Visceral Fat; Is Your Beer Gut Putting You at Risk?

Visceral Fat; Is Your Beer Gut Putting You at Risk?

So you’ve got a beer gut, but a bit of a pot belly never hurt anyone right? I mean, I’m sure you’re probably relatively lean around the arms and legs and may even been aerobically fit. So you would assume you have nothing to worry about. Wrong. You...
Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Most people go to the gym with the hopes of building muscle and/or losing body fat. But very few know what exercises give them the most bang for their buck. Let me tell you this… it’s not glute kick-backs, it’s not dumbbell bicep curls, it’s...
Want To Look Like An Athlete? Then Act Like One

Want To Look Like An Athlete? Then Act Like One

Have you ever wanted to look like your favourite athlete? Lean, muscular and as fit as can be… Well to look like an athlete you need to think, behave and train like one. I’ve listed some of the characteristics of a professional athlete below. These are all...