3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

With HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) growing in popularity in the health and fitness industry, I thought I would share with you 3 of my favorite HIIT finishers to add to the end of your workout for maximum fat loss and improved fitness! Let’s start off...
HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss

HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss

HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss HIIT cardio seems to be all the hype in regards to cardio for fat loss these days, and with good reason too. Although, like anything, there are pros and cons. Just as there are pros and cons for steady state cardio. In this...
Is cardio necessary to lose body fat?

Is cardio necessary to lose body fat?

Cardio is often paired with getting in shape and dropping that unwanted body fat but is it necessary? Let me start by saying I believe everyone who is serious about health and fitness should be doing some form of aerobic training to keep the heart healthy. Although,...