Strength Training For Teenagers; The Start-Up Guide

Strength Training For Teenagers; The Start-Up Guide

STRENGTH TRAINING FOR TEENAGERS So you’ve finally reached that stage where you’re ready to make a change to your body. There’s a million reasons why, maybe it’s to add muscle mass to your skinny frame, lose some body fat to help improve your self-esteem, get stronger...
Compare the Pair | Yo-yo vs Lifestyle

Compare the Pair | Yo-yo vs Lifestyle

  As a health and fitness professional that works with countless clients on their nutritional habits, I’ve noticed a trend. A trend I see in almost every single client before we start working together.   To me, there are two types of eaters… Yo-yo dieters...
The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight   You feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun but you still can’t lose weight. Don’t worry; you’re not the only one.   There’s a good reason why you haven’t lost weight…   It’s not the type of food...
IIFYM Meal Planning For Winners

IIFYM Meal Planning For Winners

IIFYM Planning For Winners So you want to get in shape but have no idea how to plan your meals throughout the day. Follow the steps below to set yourself up with a successful nutrition plan suited to YOU.   Firstly, read this article ‘The Ultimate Guide to...