The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

The Real Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight   You feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun but you still can’t lose weight. Don’t worry; you’re not the only one.   There’s a good reason why you haven’t lost weight…   It’s not the type of food...
Subway or Sushi?

Subway or Sushi?

The other day I was sitting in a cafe and I happened to overhear a conversation that a guy next to me was having on the phone. One thing really stuck out and grabbed my attention “No mate you had sushi yesterday, just have subway today.” The implication...
Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Most people go to the gym with the hopes of building muscle and/or losing body fat. But very few know what exercises give them the most bang for their buck. Let me tell you this… it’s not glute kick-backs, it’s not dumbbell bicep curls, it’s...
How To Budget Your Calories

How To Budget Your Calories

If I gave you $500 to spend in one day and you went out and spent $400 before 10am, you now need to carefully budget the remaining $100 to make sure you make it through the day right? Well your calorie intake is no different, I introduce to you, the calorie budget....
Guest blog: Heavy-Ass Finishers for Faster Fat Loss

Guest blog: Heavy-Ass Finishers for Faster Fat Loss

Losing fat is simple – You need a calorie deficit. That’s pretty much it.   Obviously there is a little more to it – getting ample protein, giving your muscles enough stimulus through weight training so that you preserve mass, keeping your carbs high enough for...