5 Common Fat Loss Mistakes

5 Common Fat Loss Mistakes

We all make mistakes… But when it comes to fat loss, you don’t have too! Regardless of whether your goal is to trim up for summer, lose a few kg’s before a special event or even step on stage as a physique athlete, make sure you aren’t making...
What Is A Mini-Cut?

What Is A Mini-Cut?

So you’ve been in a calorie surplus for some time now, calories are high, you’re making awesome progress with your lifts, but you’ve also added a little too much body fat… Maybe it’s time for a mini-cut! MINI-CUTS 101 What is a mini-cut?...
How To Budget Your Calories

How To Budget Your Calories

If I gave you $500 to spend in one day and you went out and spent $400 before 10am, you now need to carefully budget the remaining $100 to make sure you make it through the day right? Well your calorie intake is no different, I introduce to you, the calorie budget....
3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

With HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) growing in popularity in the health and fitness industry, I thought I would share with you 3 of my favorite HIIT finishers to add to the end of your workout for maximum fat loss and improved fitness! Let’s start off...
Guest blog: Can you survive the deck of pain?

Guest blog: Can you survive the deck of pain?

Today’s blog has been written by Josh Driscoll from IronOak Australia. Josh is a natural bodybuilder who I’ve known for a long time now. He preaches flexible dieting and has a no bull s@*t approach to training and adherence to the task at hand in order to...