Want To Look Like An Athlete? Then Act Like One

Want To Look Like An Athlete? Then Act Like One

Have you ever wanted to look like your favourite athlete? Lean, muscular and as fit as can be… Well to look like an athlete you need to think, behave and train like one. I’ve listed some of the characteristics of a professional athlete below. These are all...
3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

3 HIIT Finishers For Maximum Fat Loss

With HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) growing in popularity in the health and fitness industry, I thought I would share with you 3 of my favorite HIIT finishers to add to the end of your workout for maximum fat loss and improved fitness! Let’s start off...
Guest blog: Can you survive the deck of pain?

Guest blog: Can you survive the deck of pain?

Today’s blog has been written by Josh Driscoll from IronOak Australia. Josh is a natural bodybuilder who I’ve known for a long time now. He preaches flexible dieting and has a no bull s@*t approach to training and adherence to the task at hand in order to...
HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss

HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss

HIIT vs Steady state cardio for fat loss HIIT cardio seems to be all the hype in regards to cardio for fat loss these days, and with good reason too. Although, like anything, there are pros and cons. Just as there are pros and cons for steady state cardio. In this...
Guest blog: Heavy-Ass Finishers for Faster Fat Loss

Guest blog: Heavy-Ass Finishers for Faster Fat Loss

Losing fat is simple – You need a calorie deficit. That’s pretty much it.   Obviously there is a little more to it – getting ample protein, giving your muscles enough stimulus through weight training so that you preserve mass, keeping your carbs high enough for...