What I’ve Learnt From Working With Professional Athletes

What I’ve Learnt From Working With Professional Athletes

So far in my career in the health and fitness industry as a strength and conditioning coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of professional athletes from a wide range of different sports. This has given me the opportunity to really observe the way they...
Interview with Nathan Chan of Foundr magazine

Interview with Nathan Chan of Foundr magazine

Foundr magazine was launched in 2013 by a young entrepreneur named Nathan Chan. It started as just a digital business magazine but has now grown into an amazing resource for young entrepreneurs all over the world with their magazine, podcast and training programs....
Is cardio necessary to lose body fat?

Is cardio necessary to lose body fat?

Cardio is often paired with getting in shape and dropping that unwanted body fat but is it necessary? Let me start by saying I believe everyone who is serious about health and fitness should be doing some form of aerobic training to keep the heart healthy. Although,...
Top 5 tips for ‘hard gainers’

Top 5 tips for ‘hard gainers’

A ‘hard gainer’ is typically somebody with an ectomorph type body who generally finds it hard to gain weight/muscle. The 5 tips below will help you break past that skinny phase and pack on some quality size!  EAT MORE FOOD! Every time I have someone come...