3 Exercises You Should Be Doing

3 Exercises You Should Be Doing

Ask most people what exercises they perform in the gym and they’ll have their set menu they like to follow for each muscle group or movement. The only problem with that is there’s a lot of exercises that get neglected. Here are 3 exercises I believe are...
Strength Training For Teenagers; The Start-Up Guide

Strength Training For Teenagers; The Start-Up Guide

STRENGTH TRAINING FOR TEENAGERS So you’ve finally reached that stage where you’re ready to make a change to your body. There’s a million reasons why, maybe it’s to add muscle mass to your skinny frame, lose some body fat to help improve your self-esteem, get stronger...
Choosing The Right Supplement Brand

Choosing The Right Supplement Brand

Supplement companies do all sorts of tricks to boost profit margin and trick the customer. When you are looking for a good supplement to assist with your training it’s important to do some research on which brands are the best. A quick checklists of things I recommend...