by danny2020 | Sep 11, 2018 | Blog
An extremely common question that pops up with a lot of new flexible dieters is what they should be looking out for on the MyFitnessPal app (great question as it can be confusing). Here’s what you need to know. Step 1. Calculate your macros using my free...
by danny2020 | Aug 31, 2018 | 2020, Blog
Fat loss in theory is simple. There are 3 ways to lose body fat. To lose fat you NEED to be in a negative energy balance. #1 Eat in a calorie deficit 200-500 calories below your maintenance (use my calculator here to figure that out) #2 Increase your energy...
by danny2020 | Aug 13, 2018 | Blog
Ladies, you’ll love this blog. Fellas, don’t go anywhere, you need to read this too 🙂 Everyone throws around the word ‘toned’ when talking about their body goals, but what the actual hell is it? The illusion of toning a muscle occurs when you...
by danny2020 | Dec 19, 2017 | Blog
If you skip out on meals with your family and friends at Christmas because you’re on a diet, you’re a moron. Seriously… (unless you’re prepping for a bodybuilding show which I assume most of you aren’t) Eating throughout the Christmas and...
by danny2020 | Nov 15, 2017 | Blog
Ask most people what exercises they perform in the gym and they’ll have their set menu they like to follow for each muscle group or movement. The only problem with that is there’s a lot of exercises that get neglected. Here are 3 exercises I believe are...