The ONLY 3 ways to lose fat

The ONLY 3 ways to lose fat

Fat loss in theory is simple. There are 3 ways to lose body fat. To lose fat you NEED to be in a negative energy balance. #1 Eat in a calorie deficit 200-500 calories below your maintenance (use my calculator here to figure that out) #2 Increase your energy...
Choosing The Right Supplement Brand

Choosing The Right Supplement Brand

Supplement companies do all sorts of tricks to boost profit margin and trick the customer. When you are looking for a good supplement to assist with your training it’s important to do some research on which brands are the best. A quick checklists of things I recommend...
A Diet is Only Temporary

A Diet is Only Temporary

What comes to mind when you think of the word diet? For me, it’s temporary or short term. You see, to live a happy, healthy and full life we need to begin focusing on long term sustainability instead of short term wins that last about as long as it took to get...
6 tips for a stronger bench press

6 tips for a stronger bench press

If you’re a regular gym goer, chances are you’re invested in improving your bench press. Being one of the BIG 6 lifts and a go-to exercise in most gym programs, good (or bad) form on bench press can determine whether you get big and strong, or whether you...
Subway or Sushi?

Subway or Sushi?

The other day I was sitting in a cafe and I happened to overhear a conversation that a guy next to me was having on the phone. One thing really stuck out and grabbed my attention “No mate you had sushi yesterday, just have subway today.” The implication...