How to get ‘toned’ legs

How to get ‘toned’ legs

Ladies, you’ll love this blog. Fellas, don’t go anywhere, you need to read this too 🙂 Everyone throws around the word ‘toned’ when talking about their body goals, but what the actual hell is it? The illusion of toning a muscle occurs when you...
Activate Your Hamstrings In 3 Simple Steps

Activate Your Hamstrings In 3 Simple Steps

This article stems from a discussion I had with Danny last year regarding the inability of some clients to get activation of the belly of the muscle in their hamstring. A very in depth and interesting topic indeed! One that I am very passionate about and fortunate to...
30 Essential Tips For Building Muscle

30 Essential Tips For Building Muscle

Gaining lean muscle shouldn’t be a guessing game, just as losing fat isn’t rocket science. Here’s my list of tips to help you gain muscle. #1 Eat in a slight calorie surplus (take in more energy than you are expending) #2 Progressively overload your...
Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Try these exercises to get the most bang for your buck

Most people go to the gym with the hopes of building muscle and/or losing body fat. But very few know what exercises give them the most bang for their buck. Let me tell you this… it’s not glute kick-backs, it’s not dumbbell bicep curls, it’s...
5 Ways To Help Prevent Lower Back Pain

5 Ways To Help Prevent Lower Back Pain

Back pain, the evil word that almost everyone can associate himself or herself with in one way or another. Lower back pain can be extremely debilitating, whether its: walking, running, jumping, lifting weights, driving the car or even sleeping, back pain will be sure...